Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Things Change.....

Massive the political conventions, against the war, French-speaking students disrupting commerce...Young black men being randomly shot....women's rights to health care under assault....prices for gasoline skyrocketing....

Our tumultuous world.... now and in the late 1960's..... It seems to some of us (of a certain age) that some things never change. It seems that we are destined to tumult and strife over and over again. And, yet, if you listen, you will hear quiet, but important calls to 'dream'.

The Hebrews were facing total annihilation and exile, when Jeremiah called them to dream of a future when they would buy and sell land again. The disciples were paralyzed by the very thought of life without Jesus, when the day of Pentecost came and they were called to see visions and dream dreams. Martin Luther King called all Americans to share his 'dream' for justice.....

The call is not to dream our way out of painful realities or to avoid what's going on around us. The call is to imagine God's realm...of peace, of justice, of cooperation, of hope and then, to move our way out of the trials and into the future.

On Sunday, our Church Council will lead us into a time of dreaming for our church. It will be a time of worshipful imagining, of discerning what God is calling us to do and be, of working together to be the Body of Christ. When we recall the dreaming of the prophets  ancient and modern, when we answer the call to dream, we realize that some things do change.....when we live into the dreams.

I hope to see ALL of you, All of you on Sunday, Laura Lee

Text for This Week:

*John 17:17-26

Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.

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