The image in this week's Gospel lesson resonates with those
of us who live in the Finger Lakes region. It
is easy for us to imagine the vineyards that are all around us when we hear
Jesus proclaiming that he is the vine and we are the branches and that God is
the vine grower. We all know that grape vines need lots of tender care,
pruning, providing a structure for the clinging tendrils, fertilizing.... And,
so, even when we don't want to hear ourselves compared to vines, some part of
us acknowledges that we too need a bit of pruning and fertilizing and

So, as you prepare for Sunday, read the texts and imagine
yourself as a branch in the vineyard. Think of the places in your life that
need a bit of pruning. Identify the parts of your soul and life that have
become hardened and need a bit of tilling. Seek the kind of fertilizer you might
need to grow abundantly. Offer thanks for the support structures in your life
that you need to thrive. And then, join us on Sunday morning as we offer our
gratitude for the vine of Christ and the Vine Grower, whose abundant love
enriches all of our lives. I suspect we will all become a bit more 'lush'.
Hoping to see you all in Worship - Laura Lee
Texts for This
+I John 4:7-21
*John 15-1-8
Note: The
texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an
asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.
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