Friday, December 16, 2011

"Jesus Came to the Older People"

As we near the end of Advent and our focus on those who were first told of Jesus' birth, it strikes me that Zecheriah and Elizabeth and now this week, Simeon and Anna were all very old. I have thought this wasn't accidental and have reflected on this fact over the weeks. And then, last week, I read this beautiful poem from the Iona Community in Scotland. The first verse reads:

It was to older people that Jesus came,
that they might know their place and learn his name,
and upset notions of whom God may choose,
to change the world or celebrate good news.

 Perhaps this is the poet's way of telling us that the older people were wise enough to be surprised by the unexpected working of God. Perhaps they had lived long enough to notice the wonder in simple life - like watching a woman feed pigeons on the square. Perhaps, they could see the restlessness of God in the restlessness of the young. Perhaps they knew God might come as a babe. How grand! We often say that Christmas is for the young, but I think our Biblical story reminds us all that Christ is for everyone, maybe especially for the old!

I hope to see and celebrate with all of you on Sunday! Blessings, Laura Lee

Texts for This Week:

+Psalm 104:26-35

Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.

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