"Here we are, approaching the third Sunday of Advent, in the midst of a season of waiting, introspection, anticipation and longing. It is the pregnant pause, where we expectantly wait for God to break through with something new."
This was the beginning of my sermon one year ago, and most of you didn't hear it - I was preaching at Newark Valley UCC, so that the search committee could hear me preach before introducing me to all of you. For me, it was definitely a time of expectant longing and anticipation. For many of you, I imagine it was as well. At that time, I hoped that this year I would be spending Advent with you - and I could not be more happy to be living into that hope with you.
Yes, we're "living into" it, because we are always hoping that the world will be transformed, that our church will be renewed, and that our individual lives will be more fulfilling. We're seeing many things come to birth in our church, and we are, as a community, bearers of God to the world around us.
Individually, we are also God-bearers. The profound truth of the incarnation is not just that Mary gave birth to God-in-the-flesh in Jesus, but that each of us embodies God. Barbara Brown Taylor translates incarnation as "en-meat-ment" - we are the meat, the flesh and bones in which the Spirit - the Breath - of God dwells. And when we all come together in community, we have even more power in the flesh.
This Sunday is Music Sunday, we have the opportunity to experience one particular way of God-bearing, through musical voices and instruments. We'll add 4 new members to our congregation. And we'll pray together and worship together and be the Body of Christ together. When I see each of you, I look forward to saying, "Behold, the God-Bearer!" What new thing will God bring to birth in you this year?
Blessings and peace,
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