Over the years, I’ve heard more than a few people on pastoral Search Committees tell me that they felt like Diogenes, wandering, wandering, yet not finding the perfect candidate to be their next pastor. Some have been quite discouraged when they compared themselves to the wandering philosopher, but, I assure you, they each, in time, found a candidate to call.
As this congregation will be moving into the “active” search for the next pastor here in the next months, it may be helpful to sketch out the next steps down the road. The Council has just asked for suggestions of active members for them to consider. The Council will take those suggestions, look at the many factors that go into balanced and representative group that will be able to work together effectively and spiritually, and then present a slate, probably at a congregational meeting in late March or early April. At that time, the broad outlines of the search process will be reviewed with the congregation as well.
The newly-elected Search Committee will meet with someone from the Conference to be oriented to their task and familiarized with the process of the wider expressions of the UCC and the mysteries of computer matching local church profiles with candidate profiles. The Search Committee will arrange its leadership and internal processes.
The first half of the Search Committee’s responsibility is to prepare the congregational Profile. We have a head start on some of this, using the material and learnings we developed together during the congregation-wide self-study. However, the Search Committee might host some small-group opportunities for members to talk informally to them about the vision of the church for the next few years and what characteristics we want in the next pastor. We anticipate that the Search Committee will share preliminary drafts of the profile with the congregation for comments while they are writing it, and when complete, have the congregation approve it.
In contrast to the openness of the profile writing phase, when the Search Committee begins its second responsibility, they go into a quiet, confidential mode. Great care must be taken to preserve the confidentiality of the interviewing process. Since most candidates have not revealed that they are considering another call to their current congregation, it is potentially devastating for the names of persons under consideration to get out. The downside is that members here will feel somewhat in the dark while the committee is out scouring the countryside for the next pastor. We hope to alleviate that a bit with ongoing updates from the committee on their progress in general terms.
Like Diogenes, who carried his lamp symbolizing knowledge even in daylight, the search process has a couple of lamps to guide them. First, I suppose, is the light of Scripture helping them move toward Christ’s vision of hope and peace and justice and community service for this congregation and for the overall characteristics of church leadership. More pragmatically, the United Church of Christ has a whole stack of documents and resources which can tutor the Search Committee, and there are lots of wise people who can offer advice and direction and contacts.
But the main support upon which the Search Committee will rely is the support and encouragement of the congregation. They will need to feel that we are behind them, praying for them, helping them, supporting them. The Committee will feel enough stress to find someone sooner rather than later without us getting impatient or getting on their case! The Council and the Committees, leaders, and this interim pastor will keep the mission and ministry and spirit of the congregation alive and moving forward so the Search Committee can do their work in peace and with all the diligence and care and patience it may take to find the strongest candidate who will be the best fit for this church (and not to settle for someone who is just “OK” in order to find someone, anyone!).
So, as the larger congregation, I’d encourage you to support the preparatory work of the Search Committee, and to trust them and the leading of the Holy Spirit as they search for the one God is calling here next, no matter how long it may seem to take! When you are tempted to say, “So, are you getting close to finding someone?” say instead, “I’ve been thinking about you. You’re in my prayers.” If the Search Committee has the trust and support and patience of the congregation, those are ’way better than Diogenes’ lamp!
In Christ,

Texts For Sunday Worship:
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