The choir is back to practicing, and the Children and Youth Ministry Team is back with the familiar Christian Education and faith formation program. Most of the committees are back to meeting in September after their more “irregular” summer. Folks who were less frequent over the school break are getting back in the rhythm of attendance. The enjoyable and challenging AfterWord series resumes this week with Bob Riter from the Cancer Resource Center.
We’re back in business!
Some folks are not so much returning “back” as attending for the first time. It’s up to we long-time attenders to make those first tentative steps past our threshold a meaningful, comfortable, and spiritually connecting morning. I have no doubt that long-time attenders here are capable of a generous, inclusive, embracing welcome; my concern is that with the delight in seeing each other again it will be easy to overlook the first-timers and forget to enfold them into the flock gracefully and graciously.
So keep an eye out for new faces, and be happy to see them! If you approach them with happiness, you will probably find that sometimes tricky balance of welcoming without being overwhelming. Many churchgoers fear that they will be too aggressive in pouncing on new people and turn them off, so we sometimes act “too cool” and keep away. Lots of us have experiences visiting that have turned us off— usually by feeling too singled out too obviously— but don’t let that stifle your hospitality. And remember that what you might think is “giving people space” can be experienced as neglect. But just because that balance is tricky don’t give up! Welcome like you like to be welcomed, and you will probably hit the comfort zone. And if you are waaaaay introverted, just point a new face out to folks who are more comfortable saying “Hi” for the first time. We’ve got the whole spectrum among us!
Most times when we read the UCC slogan we focus on the “wherever you are on your life’s journey,” cherishing the openness and grace to all souls. These Sundays in September, let’s run with the “you’re welcome here” part. After all, God is happy to see everyone in church, whether for the first or ninety-ninth time.
May you feel welcome this Sunday. And share it!
In Christ,

Texts For Sunday Worship:
From the Hebrew Bible Jeremiah 4:11-12 , 22-26
From the Epistles 1 Timothy 1:12-17
From the Gospels Luke 15:1-10
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