It is a sad, sad fact of the world that food, in general, is not spread out evenly across the globe, or even across Tompkins County. Over the last few years the lines at food giveaways around here have lengthened. Yet Ithaca has quite a few shops, grocery chains, and many restaurants purveying high-end food. Even in Ithaca, which is far, far better than many communities about sustainability and food justice, there’s lots of peanut butter in the middle of the bread and real gaps and thin places around the edges.
In August the Outreach Committee is again reminding us of desperation and hunger across the globe with a focus on Feed My Starving Children and the Ithaca Mobile Pack on September 6-8 and on ending food insecurity in our own towns through the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. Not only is this a time to educate ourselves about the disparities and needs, but it is a time to act to ameliorate hunger here and starvation in other places.
We are beginning to sign up groups and individuals for the Mobile Pack, so you really can get your hands involved in tangible help for children dying of malnutrition and those whose development and education are damaged by lack of food. We are also encouraging those who pack and the groups they come from to bring non-perishable food items for the Kitchen Cupboard, the Food Bank, and many satellite programs.
And, to really push the image of the peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I encourage you to put your money where your mouth is, too! Consider making a contribution or an additional contribution to FMSC or the Food Bank so they can provide more foodstuffs to the hungering. Even more than non-perishable items and toiletries, money can make a difference in getting nutrition to people the world over. Money given here can purchase food there, where it is needed, helping those local economies. The Food Bank and FMSC can leverage your donations with their buying power, literally multiplying it with God’s grace. We are well on our way to underwriting the 300,000 meals for the Ithaca Mobile Pack, but it would be wonderful to have all of the money in hand before the pack. So drop hints with the people that you know encouraging them to donate… and drop some money in the offering plates this month!
On the first Sunday of the month we share communion at the Lord’s Table. It is fitting that we begin an emphasis on the Food Bank and Feed My Starving Children. As we are fed, let us remember to feed the least of Christ’s children. Generously and graciously and joyously. And let us share like their lives depend on it. In too many places, it does.
Join your sister and brothers this Sunday as we break bread together in Jesus’ love and all month as we share bread with the world.
In Christ,

Texts for Sunday
From the Epistles Colossians 3:1-11
From the Gospel Luke 12:13-21
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