Monday, March 4, 2013

Rev. Tom Lenhart

Our guest preacher this Sunday, The Reverand Tom Lenhart has been the Senior Minister at the First Congregational Church of Chappaqua, since June 2006. Tom graduated from Columbia University in 1968 with an A.B. In 1972, he graduated from Columbia Law School, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. Upon graduation he became a Law Clerk to two United States District Judges in New York City. From 1973 through 2002 Tom was an Associate and then a litigation Partner with the law firm of Shaw Pittman (now known as Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP), in its Washington, D.C. office. In the early 1990s he briefly served as an Adjunct Professor at Cornell University Law School.

In 2002 after 30 years in legal practice, he felt a different call and entered Harvard Divinity School, graduating with a Masters in Divinity degree in 2005. Tom was a student minister and then a ministerial member of the staff at North-Prospect UCC in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 2004, he has been on the Board of the "Outdoor Church"– an ecumenical church to the homeless in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is also President of the Chappaqua Interfaith Council and member of the Ordination and Standing Committee of the Metro Association of the UCC’s New York Conference.
Tom's wife Lynn has been a Christian Educator for 18 years, and currently serves First Church Congregational in Fairfield, Connecticut. They have three adult children, Amanda, James "JJ", and Abigail.

Texts For Sunday Worship:
Micah 6:1-8                               
*Luke 9:18-26

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