Friday, October 5, 2012

World Communion Sunday

This Sunday is World Communion Sunday, an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to "coming back to the table" - for it is God who sets the table and invites us to come, and it is God who has the power to heal wounds and build community. It is a powerful meal in which we, the Body of Christ, become bread for the world.

In addition to inviting you to join us this Sunday, I also want to share with you an opportunity to learn about how you can be involved in a meaningful ministry to world neighbors who are becoming Ithaca neighbors. Read below for more information from Marcy Schaeffer, and plan to join us on the 14th after worship to learn more.

Blessings and peace,

Texts For This Week:
Epistles - 2 Timothy 1:3-12
Gospels - Luke 14:1-14 

Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.

Dear Church Friends,

I’m asking you to join me in doing something so meaningful. Just a small amount of
time on your part could have tremendous impact.

It’s about a family that has been waiting for 10 years in a refugee camp in Thailand and
with financial support from the United States is moving to Ithaca. I will join 40 or so
sponsor families who are helping 122 Burmese refugees. Although I will be the primary
contact for this family, I cannot do it alone, and do it well. So, I’m asking for your help.

The parents of this family fled religious (they are Christian) persecution in Burma (Myanmar) where many Christians have been injured or killed.  They fled to refugee camp in Thailand.  The parents met, married and had children at the camp. Two of the father's siblings died from illness at the camp.  The 3 children are spaced about 3 years apart with the youngest a 5 month old.

As political refugees these Burmese immigrants are provided with relocation funds for housing, food and in a year can apply for a green card and in 5 years can take a test to apply for citizenship.  The father of this family has a sister and her family (the Htoo family) have been here for over a year so they will be able to help with translation, logistics and welcome support.  The sister's family Ae Say, Aung Htoo, Will Mu Htoo (fifth grade at Belle Sherman) and Roe May Htoo (third grade at Belle Sherman) participated at the FMSC at the church Sept 7th.  Aungh Htoo thanked me for bringing them to help.  The Htoo family have their own sponsor who some of you may know, Graham O (a beloved midwife)  and her husband Ken "Otto".

There is already support for immigrants in Ithaca (Burmese and others).  The adults go to English classes Mon-Fri at the First Presbyterian Church for the first year and many continue longer. An Ithaca College professor,  Dr. Cathrene Connery has helped coordinate her education students, community refugee sponsors, school support staff and community leaders supporting the Burmese community.

The Afterword on Oct 14th will include information about opportunities, an invitation to join the Lotsa Helping Hands website for this family and may include a video from one of the high school Burmese immigrants about what they transitioned through.  If anyone has specific questions or comments beforehand please feel free to email me so I can be as prepared as possible. 

Thank you, Marcy Schaeffer

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