Friday, June 22, 2012

Fear of Spiders

I've always had a bit of arachnophobia...when I was a little girl, I would have nightmares that my bedroom floor was teeming with spiders and scorpions, and I would have no way to escape. I was terrified of killing a spider, for fear that its relatives might come after me while I was sleeping! As I grew older, my fear became more manageable - except for the several months after I made the mistake of watching the movie Arachnophobia when I was 16!

Syed will probably tell you that I still get a little freaked out by spiders - especially the ones that like to feast on all the summer bugs that come into our house. But overall, I think I've found ways to live with my fear without it overtaking me. One thing that helps me is just observing the fascinating nature of arachnids. Many of them spin breathtaking webs, only to have to start again when strong winds tear them down. But I still have no desire to hold a tarantula!

Fear, in and of itself, is neutral. It can save our lives by "raising our hackles" to alert us to dangerous situations (like spiders crawling on you!). But it can also hold us back and keep us from moving into an uncertain future. And sometimes our fear becomes all we know - so that we imagine danger even where there is none.

This Sunday, I invite you to step back and observe the things that frighten you - is your fear telling you to take a different path? Or is it an opportunity to find new trust in God?

Have a great weekend - hope to see you on Sunday!

Blessings, Manda

Texts for Sunday:
Job 38:1-11
Mark 4:35-41

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