The office received an email on Monday: "Dear FCC, We are out-of town this week. Please call the Thonneys and offer them our home. The key is in the flower pot by the back door." No restrictions or rules of conditions. Just sharing.
The week before that someone who had visited our church a few times called a member and said: "I need a driving lesson, can someone help me?" and within hours, our parking lot was hosting a new driver and a member who shared his car and his time. Just did it.
Our sharing FCC is everywhere! Stephen Ministers, Prayer Shawls, Prayer Care Tree, Healing Prayer Group, Caring Notes, Student "Coffee Cards", receptions for funerals, and then there are all of the people who mobilize to offer practical support through Lotsa Helping Hands, supplying meals and rides and more......
Our texts describe a Christian Community based in sharing and a Psalm on the blessings of unity (com-unity). Hmmm.... perhaps the impulse to share leads to acts of caring that create the blessed community. Perhaps, it's a holy thing to offer the house or the soup or the ice cream cone... Perhaps that's the way God brings us all together. Perhaps that impulse to share will change someone's life.... even yours!
I am looking forward to seeing many of you throughout this weekend of sharing and caring and community.
Blessings - Laura Lee
Texts for This Week:
*Psalm 133
I John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.
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