Every day, people serve us: the guy at the check-out at Wegman's; the barista at Ithaca Coffee; the waiter at Ciao's..... Sometimes these people are a bit crabby, but most of the time, they greet us with a smile and ask how they may serve us, AND, they mean it. That simple act can brighten your whole day.
The most common question I get at FCC is, "How can I help?" When someone dies, when someone is sick, when we need to take down the Advent Garden, or move the soap dispenser in the men's room...... Usually, the help needed is small for the helper and HUGE for the one(s) being helped. Your help or service can brighten people's lives.
Sunday's text ends with simple words, "And, she served them." Probably, Peter's Mother-in-law served a meal to Jesus and his friends. This was a simple act, a woman doing what she does best. And yet, this is portrayed as her response to a life-changing, healing encounter with Jesus. And, I suppose, he was truly grateful for this table hospitality.
I think this is a reminder to all of us to notice all of the people who serve us and who serve our church. And, it's a reminder of how important our own service is to all of those around us. On any given day, "How can I serve you?" may be the most important words we hear or the most important words we speak!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday, Laura Lee
Texts for This Week:
Isaiah 40:21-31
Psalm 147:1-11, 20
Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.
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