This Sunday is the last Sunday in the Christian liturgical year, traditionally known as "Christ the King" Sunday, and in many modern churches as "Reign of Christ" Sunday. Interestingly, most of the scripture texts are about shepherds and sheep, with the implication that Jesus is the shepherd par excellence. But much more of the focus is on how we are to act, whether we are shepherds (as in Ezekiel) or sheep (as in Matthew). The Matthew text, in particular, is familiar to us, and rather than reflect at length on it, I want to share with you some other readings that play with these same themes, both drawing on the Matthew text. I hope you'll read these and the scriptures for Sunday and consider what our still-speaking God might be saying to you. Blessings and peace, and I hope to see you Sunday!
- Manda
A reading from the Islamic tradition:
On the day of judgment God Most High will say,
"Son of Adam, I was sick and you did not visit Me."
He will reply, "My Lord, how could I visit Thee
when Thou art the Lord of the Universe!"
He will say, "Did you not know
that my servant so-and-so was ill
and yet you did not visit him?
Did you not know that if you had visited him
you soon would have found Me with him?"
-Hadith of Muslim
You Who Bless
who are
a blessing
who are
a blessing
who know
that to feed
the hungering
is to bless
that to feed
the hungering
is to bless
and to give drink
to those who thirst
is to bless
to those who thirst
is to bless
who know
the blessing
in welcoming
the stranger
the blessing
in welcoming
the stranger
and giving clothes
to those
who have none
to those
who have none
who know
to care
for the sick
is blessing
to care
for the sick
is blessing
and blessing
to visit
the prisoner:
to visit
the prisoner:
may the blessing
you have offered
now turn itself
toward you
you have offered
now turn itself
toward you
to welcome
and to embrace you
at the feast
of the blessed.
and to embrace you
at the feast
of the blessed.
(To see a longer reflection and art work by Jan Richardson on the Matthew text, click here.)
Ezekiel 34:11-24
Matthew 25:31-40
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