Friday, January 6, 2012

"Prepare to Be Surprised"

If you know anything about archetypes, you will readily recognize the magi as 'heroes'. From the time of earliest hunter-gatherer civilizations, humankind has created myths about those (usually men) who leave the tribe to go on a mystical quest or journey. We know these heroes by many names: Hercules, Sir Galahad, Gautama Buddah, Pilgrim and from the Bible - Abraham & Sarah, Joseph.......

On Sunday, we will celebrate and re-member the magi, the three kings or wise men or even astrologers, who went on a particular quest. They were seeking God. It so happens that God beckoned them with a star and like other heroes, they went on a long and probably arduous journey. Like other heroes, they faced the powers and principalities (King Herod) and like others, they were prepared to greet a wealthy, pampered heir in a palace, for whom they had brought suitable gifts. Instead, they got a BIG surprise - a poor, peasant child in a stable!

The magi trusted in the beckoning star and in the journey. They trusted the revelation of this baby instead of the one they imagined. And, they offered their gifts (seemingly unsuitable).

There are many lessons we may learn from these heroes, but one is most certainly that when we trust in the surprises God offers and we offer the best we have to give, we are the ones who are truly blessed. For the magi, the star told a story, but they had to take the journey to get to the surprise ending. So it is with us. Let us spend the coming year watching for the signs of God. Let us take the journey together. Let us offer our gifts because we are so very blessed!

I hope you will all join us on Sunday as we marvel at our puppet kings and as we celebrate the heroes of our faith.

Laura Lee

Texts for This Week:
Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
Ephesians 3:1-12

Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.

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