How do you know the 'real deal' when you see one? Lots of folks thought Bernie Madoff was the real deal. We think some politicians are the real deal and then go to and discover 'Pinocchio' or 'Liar, Liar Pants on Fire'. We find a real deal on a new food processor and see it a week later for $200 less.
We are so inundated by false claims, false information and false prophets that it's easy to become cynical.
I suspect that the 'Man with the Unclean Spirit' in our text and those in his community were cynical when Jesus walked into town. I suspect that this man and his family had been subjected to false claims for a cure over and over again until they didn't trust that anyone could help him.
Jesus astounded the people in the synagogue, the scribes and the Pharisees and the learned ones. They didn't know what to think - they'd seen people who 'talked with authority' before. But, the unclean spirits who were torturing this
man, knew immediately that Jesus was the real deal. They knew that he had the power to banish them. They knew he had the power to change this man forever. And after Jesus banished them, everyone knew Jesus was authentic - the real deal. They knew he had the power to change lives and to change the status quo.
Look no farther, my friends, the real deal is right here at FCC. Gratefully, we are a place filled with people who are truth tellers, whose caring is sincere, whose longing to make a difference in the world is genuine and whose desire to follow Jesus changes lives and changes the whole world!
So join us on Sunday as we explore this short and 'life-changing' gospel story!
I look forward to seeing all of you for worship and meeting with you as we plan for a new and exciting year at FCC! Blessings - Laura Lee
Texts for This Week:
+Deuteronomy 18:15-20
I Corinthians 8:1-13
Note: The texts in bold type will be read in the worship service and the one with an asterisk will be used as the focus for the proclamation of the word.